4月 2021
- 菠萝糖醋肉家庭详细做法视频,这样做外酥里嫩酸甜可口,开胃下饭 Pineapple sweet and sour pork family detailed practice video
- 肉末粉丝煲这样做,色泽鲜亮有食欲,做法简单易学,味道特赞 Minced meat vermicelli cooked in this way is very appetizing
- 在家自制纯姜汁,姜汁妙用多天天喝气色棒皮肤越喝越红润光泽 Homemade pure ginger juice at home, the magical effect of ginger juice
- 家常干贝水蒸蛋的做法,有妈妈的味道像布丁一样嫩滑美味下饭菜 Homemade scallop steamed eggs
- 蛋炒饭到底先炒饭还是先炒蛋,教你正确做法,好吃到一粒米都不剩
- 芒果、火龙果三分钟在家简单做出一杯水果奶昔,好喝解渴又卫生 Simply make a glass of fruit milkshake at home, delicious and hygienic
- 带鱼最好吃的家常做法,鱼肉无腥味,鲜嫩营养酸甜开胃
3月 2021
- 闽南特色菜酱汁海蛎肉,做法简单好吃又下饭,一上桌就被抢光
- 吃不完的吐司片用来做个苹果派,美味可口的下午茶就是这么简单 Unfinished slices of toast are used to make an apple pie
- 砂锅焖鱼肉的做法,出锅香气四溢,营养好吃不油腻
- 港式鼓汁蒸凤爪好吃的做法,香酥入骨,骨肉分离,全家人都爱吃 Hong Kong style steamed chicken feet with drum sauce is delicious
- 一分鐘烹飪之炸湯圓,湯圓不要水煮,試試這個新吃法不破皮不漏餡 One-minute cooking fried dumplings
- 家常菜素炒三丝学会这种做法,清爽解腻,营养美味太好吃了!The method of stir-fried three silks is so nutritious and delicious!
- 饭店里的茄子煲为什么做得那么好吃,掌握这个诀窍做出来鲜香美味 How to make fish-flavored eggplant in a clay pot
- 草莓牛奶果冻这样做,入口即化颜值高,冰冰凉凉吃了还想吃 Strawberry milk jelly does this, and it has a high value in the mouth.
- 鸡排这样炸外酥里嫩,教你在家做,5元钱就可以做满满的一盘
- 醋溜西葫芦怎么炒才好吃,教你一招三块钱炒出饭店的味道 How to fry zucchini is delicious, teach you how to fry it in a restaurant
- 天冷了来碗小米粥暖暖胃,这样做粘稠美味营养不流失 Millet porridge makes the soup thick and delicious and no nutrition is lost.
- 大蒜跟冰糖一起泡水,厲害效果讓你意想不到,解決很多人的困擾 Soak garlic and rock sugar together to relieve cough and reduce phlegm
- 山药枸杞排骨汤,学会做一碗养生汤养胃又营养,大人小孩都适合
- 海苔炒饭的美味做法,营养丰富做法简单一学就会,孩子连吃好几碗
- 耗油生菜百吃不腻的家常做法,脆嫩爽口,一上桌就被扫光 Home-cooked way to eat oil-consuming lettuce without getting greasy
- 腐竹加上鸡蛋没想到居然这么好吃,很多人都不会炒,吃过的都说赞,比肉还好吃 The yuba and eggs are unexpectedly so delicious
2月 2021
- 在家自制奥尔良烤翅原来这么简单,一学就会跟肯麦基一个味 Simple homemade Orleans grilled wings, the same taste as McDonald’s
- 奶茶店一杯10元的鲜橙柠檬茶, 在家一元钱就能搞定,赶紧试试看
- 元宵节煮汤圆时,不要直接下锅煮多加这2个步骤出锅不破皮不漏陷 Cooking dumplings on Lantern Festival
- 这样做出来的糖醋鸡肉,酸酸甜甜香嫩不柴,孩子们超喜欢
- 自己在家做香炸薯条再也不用外面买了,简单卫生比买的更好吃
- 每天一碗红枣桂圆汤,体质弱气血不足的人可以收藏美容减脂两不误Longan decoction, enhance physical fitness and nourish blood
- 好吃的水果牛奶布丁还能这么做,简单又好吃颜值爆棚营养丰富Delicious fruit milk pudding can also do so, it’s simple and delicious